Alka Ramchandani-Raj says a new OSHA proposal to clarify how it will use subpoenas has the potential to create unreasonable timelines and costs for employers to retain counsel in order to respond to the subpoena.
Julian Wolfson says it’s important for employers to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives take disability into consideration by acknowledging that disability is an important form of diversity.
Karolina Schiffter discusses Poland’s new Act on the Employment of Foreigners, which is primarily intended to reduce unnecessary barriers to the employment of people from abroad.
In light of New York’s new law requiring employers to provide expanded lactation accommodations for working mothers, Devjani Mishra says accommodating working parents could prove advantageous for employers even if the law doesn’t require it.
Teresa Trigueros talks about formulas companies can use to balance wage increases, as long as they do not cross certain insurmountable limits or requirements that are conventionally or legally established.