Littler attorney Karimah Lamar, has a thought-provoking conversation with fellow Littler attorneys Michael Wilder and Tiffany Obeng, who share their journey to becoming published authors and the influence it has had on their careers.
Littler’s Inclusion, Equity and Diversity C-Suite Survey Report gathers insights from more than 320 executives on their organizations’ IE&D commitments and the steps being taken to advance these goals.
SCOTUS heard arguments in a potentially pivotal case concerning whether Title VII requires plaintiffs to establish a “materially adverse” employment action, “objective tangible harm,” or an “ultimate employment decision” to state a viable claim.
Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 54, Fair Investment Practices by Investment Advisers, which requires venture capital firms to collect and report data on the demographic composition of the founding teams of the companies in which they invest.
Approximately 23% of the working-age population in the UK reported that they were disabled in January to March 2023 (so almost 1 in 4 working people), and it is estimated 70-80% of disabilities are non-visible.
Over a year after Florida’s so-called “Stop W.O.K.E.” went into effect, and about one year after a court partially enjoined it, a three-judge panel for the 11th Circuit heard argument in Florida’s attempt to dissolve the injunction.