In the News
December 7, 2023

Growing scrutiny of stay-or-pay clauses trapping US workers

Johane Severin discusses the growing practice of “stay-or-pay” contracts, which some argue force workers to pay if they resign ahead of a stipulated date. (Subscription required.)

Press Release
December 7, 2023

Littler Attorneys Named to 2024 Best Lawyers™ List in Mexico

Attorneys on Best Lawyers® lists are divided by geographic region and practice areas. They are reviewed by their peers based on professional experience and undergo an authentication process to make sure they are in current practice and in good standing.

December 5, 2023

The CSDDD Effect: Assessing the Impact of the EU’s Impending Corporate Sustainability Mandate on Japanese Companies

Lavanga Wijekoon and Aki Tanaka explore the significant impact of the European Union’s expected Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) on global corporate responsibility, with a specific focus on its implications for Japanese companies.

In the News
December 5, 2023

Practical Ways to Reduce Workplace Theft

Zoe Argento talks about the two main types of valuable and sensitive information that employees typically steal and offers ways employers can prevent workplace theft. (Subscription required.)

In the News
December 5, 2023

Things to Do and Avoid When Hiring in Germany

Donald Dowling offers tips for U.S.-based global companies who hire employees in Germany, where U.S.-style “at-will” employment is unusual. (Subscription required.)
