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View all Q2 2018 Global Guide Quarterly updates
Federal Law Protects Rights of Missing Persons
New Legislation Enacted
Authors: Mónica Schiaffino, Shareholder; David Leal, Associate; & Liliana Acuña, Associate – Littler Mexico, S.C.
The federal law of Special Declaration of Absence for Missing Persons (Law), providing a procedure for issuing Special Declarations of Absence for missing persons, came into effect on June 23, 2018. The Law allows continued enjoyment of social security benefits, reinstatement into the same working conditions for persons found within five years, and suspension of payments related to credits for acquiring housing. Accordingly, the Federal Labor Law and Social Security Law were amended to reflect these changes.
Proposed Mandatory Rest Day for Elected Officials
Proposed Bill or Initiative
Authors: Mónica Schiaffino, Shareholder & Rogelio Alanis, Associate – Littler Mexico, S.C.
Recent reports suggest that the National Electoral Institute (INE) may make July 2 a mandatory rest day for employees who served as election officials on July 1, 2018. While there is no official INE press release to date, July 2 will likely be considered a paid rest day for employees that (i) serve election duties pursuant to the General Law for Electoral Institutes and Procedures (“Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales”), and (ii) whose official duties extended into July 2, provided they are certified by the INE.