October 1, 2005

New race to Tennessee and Georgia courthouses over non-competition agreements

Tennessee Bar JournalOn April 1, 2005, in Palmer & Cay Inc. v. Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc., the 11th

October 1, 2005

Payroll Debit Update: The Law Plays Catch-up With Technology

Chain Store AgeIn recent years, Littler has received an increasing number of inquiries regarding reloadable,

September 21, 2005

Union Issues in the Solid Waste Industry

National Solid Wastes Management AssociationThe Teamsters Union is focusing its efforts towards the solid

In the News
September 21, 2005

Ruling Clears Haze Over Pot, Pre-Employment Drug Tests

San Francisco Daily JournalAt least for now, California employers no longer face the Hobson’s choice

In the News
September 17, 2005

Frederick Barrow outlines some steps workers can take to avoid additional financial burden in the wake of a natural disaster

"Career Spotlight: How to secure your job in a storm," U.S. News & World ReportThere are preventative
