In the News
February 8, 2006

David Casey Comments on an Employer's Duty to Ensure a Healthy Environment for Staff Members

"Firms weigh how to handle an outbreak", Boston GlobeIn this article David Casey discusses the Employer's

In the News
February 3, 2006

Michael Brewer Comments on How RICO Warnings Can Affect Employers

"RICO warning: Firms could be sued over illegal workers," East Bay Business TimesIn this articel Michael

In the News
February 3, 2006

David Casey Offers Insight on the Enforcement of Noncompetititon and Nonsolicitation Agreements

"Tiptoeing through the noncompete legal minefield," Boston Business JournalIn this article David Casey

In the News
February 2, 2006

Adam Forman Comments on Companies Needs for Disaster Plans for Avian Flu

"As bird flu threat grows, Hub-area cos. mull strategies," Boston Business JournalIn this article, Littler's

In the News
February 1, 2006

Brian Dixon Points Out the Vagueness of California Law When It Comes to Designating What Constitutes as an "Employee Uniform"

"Uniform Policies Land Retailers in Court," InsideCounselThis article covers what it is really costing
