Press Release
June 1, 2006

National Employment Law Firm Littler Mendelson Picks Erin Webber to Head Up New Kansas City Office

Kansas City, MO/June 1, 2006 -- Littler Mendelson, the nation's largest employment and labor law

Press Release
June 1, 2006

Littler Mendelson Continues Explosive Growth with 18 New Attorneys in New York, Long Island, and Newark

San Diego, CA/ June 1, 2006 -- Littler Mendelson, the nation's largest employment and labor law firm,

In the News
May 30, 2006

Lee Schreter Warns Employers to be Wary about Wage and Hour Violations

"Overtime Offensive," InsideCounselIn this article discussing the need for companies to take proactive

May 16, 2006

Suggestions for Change

HR ExecutiveIn this Littler attorney-authored article, Mark Ogden provides insightful suggestions on

In the News
May 15, 2006

Allan King discusses the Class Action Plaintiff's Lawyer's Sociologist--William Bielby

Business Week"White Men Can't Help It,"This article discusses the controversial sociologist William
