In the News
November 13, 2006

John Kloosterman Finds 9th Circuit's Ruling on AB 1889 Troubling

"Fractured Appeals Court Reinstates Controversial Labor Law," InsideCounselThis article discusses the

In the News
November 13, 2006

Marko Mrkonich Interviewed Postelection by Business Week

"Postelection Advice for Entrepreneurs," Business Week OnlineIn this interview, Littler's Marko Mrkonich

In the News
November 13, 2006

Bob Millman Discusses Immigration Reform

"L.A. Business Uneasy About Congressional Power Switch," Los Angeles Business JournalIn this article

In the News
November 10, 2006

Bob Millman Discusses Aggressive Union Tactics

"Court Rulings, Regulatory Actions Fuel Labor Battles," The National Law JournalLittler's Bob Millman

In the News
November 9, 2006

Josh Kirkpatrick Discusses Minimum Wage Hike

"Employers Digesting Wage Hike," Denver PostIn this article covering the wage increase in Colorado vs.
