In the News
August 10, 2012

Workplace investigations could become more public

Nashville Business JournalIn this article, Littler attorney C. Eric Stevens is quoted extensively on

In the News
August 10, 2012

NY Poised To Give Employers Leeway On Wage Deductions

Law360.comLittler attorney Bruce Millman is quoted in this article about pending legislation in the state

In the News
August 8, 2012

ABA's Taxation Section Argues for Testing Based on Eligibility Rather Than Participation

Bloomberg BNA Pension & Benefits DailyThis article discusses a public comment letter by the American

In the News
August 1, 2012

The NLRB Flexes its Muscles

HR MagazineThe article covers the NLRB's increased support of unions at the expense of the business

August 1, 2012

The Federal Courts Jurisdiction and Venue Clarification Act of 2011 Updates Removal Statutes and Allows Judiciary to Stop “Wast[ing] Time” Deciding Jurisdictional Issues

Rocket Docket NewsIn this article, Littler attorney Linda Jackson provides insight on The Federal Courts
