In the News
November 15, 2012

No Need For Employer Paranoia Over Legalized Marijuana

Law360.comLittler attorney Nancy Delogu is quoted in this article about the recent legalization of recreational

November 15, 2012

Massachusetts Joins Growing Number of States to Prohibit Mandatory Overtime For Nurses, as Well as Ban Use of Government Funds in Unionization Efforts

Bloomberg BNA Health Law ReporterIn this article, Littler attorneys John Doran, Carie Torrence and Josh

Press Release
November 14, 2012

Littler Lands on Working Mother's Best Law Firms List

National Association of Female Executives and Flex-Time Lawyers LLC Recognize Leading Employment and

Press Release
November 14, 2012

Chambers Latin America 'Women in Law Awards' Recognizes Littler's Mexico Offices for 'Best Gender Diversity Initiative'

MEXICO CITY AND MONTERREY, MX (November 14, 2012) – The Mexico offices of Littler Mendelson, P.C. (Littler),

Press Release
November 14, 2012

Littler Named a "Best Place To Work" and Earns Top Rating on Workplace LGBT Equity for Fifth Year in a Row by Human Rights Campaign Foundation

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (November 14, 2012) - Littler Mendelson, P.C. (Littler), the world’s largest employment
