In the News
February 5, 2013

DOL Issues Rules for Military FMLA, Eases Ability to Revise Forms

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)This article covers the Department of Labor’s recently

In the News
February 7, 2013

Court Scuttles NLRB Recess Appointments Creating Uncertainties for Provider Employers

Bloomberg BNAThis article details how hundreds of decisions in the past year could be overturned because

In the News
February 4, 2013

State Bar pushes plan to force unaccredited law schools to gain accreditation

Daily JournalThis article addresses current problems facing California, regarding accredited and unaccredited

In the News
February 1, 2013

Tech Support

HR MagazineShareholder Lee Schreter is quoted extensively on the challenges of understanding the differences

In the News
February 1, 2013

Laboring for the Advantage

Corporate CounselStemming from Littler’s participation in the NLJ Regulatory Summit in December, Michael
