In the News
May 7, 2013

Federal appeals court strikes down union notification requirement

Los Angeles TimesReacting to the latest setback for the NLRB, Maury Baskin told the Los Angeles Times

In the News
May 7, 2013

D.C. Circuit Strikes Labor Board's Poster Rule

The National Law JournalIn an interview with the National Law Journal, Maury Baskin spoke of the NLRB’s

In the News
May 7, 2013

The Path to Paid Sick-Leave Laws

Human Resources Executive OnlineIn this article, Littler’s Ilyse Schuman provides perspective on the

In the News
May 7, 2013

DC Circ. Strikes Down NLRB Union Poster Rule

Law360.comLittler’s Maury Baskin discusses the D.C. Circuit’s decision to strike down the NLRB’s

May 6, 2013

Beyond the companionship exemption: How to classify employees as non-exempt

Private Duty InsiderAngelo Spinola and Marcia Ganz provide insight into the pending changes to the companionship
