In the News
October 30, 2013

HR and the Supreme Court

Human Resource Executive OnlineThis article discusses a few cases on the U.S. Supreme Court's 2013-14

In the News
October 29, 2013

Littler Survey Finds Misclassification Litigation Remains a Key Area of Concern for Employers

Citybizlist AtlantaThis article discusses Littler's recent poll that measured how employers are being

Press Release
October 29, 2013

Littler Survey Finds Misclassification Litigation Remains A Key Area Of Concern For Employers

Employers express concerns over costs and disruption of exemption litigation; majority have faced employees

In the News
October 29, 2013

Worker Misclassification Suits, DOL Audits A Worry For Cos.

Law360.comLee Schreter is quoted in this article discussing Littler’s Xmpt Survey, which measured how

In the News
October 29, 2013

Obama Labor-Board Nominee Confirmed by Senate

Wall Street JournalMichael Lotito comments on the Senate's confirmation of Richard Griffin as the
