January 29, 2014

High Court Finds Middle Ground On 'Clothes' Under FLSA

Law360.comTammy McCutchen and Bill Allen discuss the U.S. Supreme Court's unanimous affirmation of

In the News
January 28, 2014

No Pay for Donning/Doffing Safety Gear, Supreme Court Says

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)Tammy McCutchen provides insight in this article on the U.S.

In the News
January 28, 2014

Inclement-Weather Policies Help Employers in Stormy Seasons

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)In this article discussing companies' policies relating

In the News
January 28, 2014

OFCCP to Focus on Veterans/Disabilities Rules, ‘Rigorous' Pay Data Analyses

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor Report® Special ReportThis article discusses the Labor Department's Office

Press Release
January 28, 2014

Littler Names Lisa “Lee” Schreter as Chair of Board of Directors

Four New Board Members AppointedSan Francisco, CA (January 28, 2014) – Littler, the world’s largest
