February 20, 2014

Pro Se Plaintiffs Present Problems for Employers

Corporate CounselShelby Schwartz authored this article discussing the challenges of pro se plaintiffs

In the News
February 18, 2014

Defense attorneys feeling effects of 9th Circuit ruling in wage and hour cases

Daily JournalAlison Hightower is quoted in this article discussing the recent guidance from the 9th U.S.

In the News
February 17, 2014

New report says robotics is the fastest growing industry in the world

RobohubLittler’s recent report “The Transformation of the Workplace Through Robotics, Artificial

In the News
February 16, 2014

Workplace bullying is a growing, complicated problem for employers

Business InsuranceTamsen Leachman is quoted in this article examining the issues surrounding bullying

February 14, 2014

The Hidden Union Access and Solicitation Pitfalls Associated With Employer Corporate PACs

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportIn this article by Joshua Waxman, Ilyse Schuman, Michael Lotito and William
