In the News
May 6, 2014

State high court: East Meadow teacher protest endangered school safety

NewsdayIn this article, George Pauta provides perspective on a decision by the Court of Appeals that

May 6, 2014

OSHA Issues New Rule for Food Safety Whistleblowers

Food Safety MagazineEarl "Chip" Jones and Linda Jackson authored this article providing perspective on

In the News
May 2, 2014

Hill helps develop strategy

Atlanta Business ChronicleAngelo Spinola is quoted in this article about Jennifer Hill, the Outstanding

May 1, 2014

Data protection and privacy laws

Financier Worldwide MagazinePhil Gordon participated in a roundtable discussion focusing on data protection

In the News
May 1, 2014

‘Wage Theft Is a Crime’ Website, Campaign Launched by California Labor Commissioner

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportChristopher Cobey is quoted in this article about the State of California's
