Your search returned 2618 results.

October 16, 2017

With Governor Brown’s Signature, California Employers Face a Gauntlet of New Laws

Governor Brown signed into law a jaw-dropping number of bills that pertain to labor and employment issues.

October 13, 2017

New California Law Prohibits Salary History Inquiries

On October 12, 2017, California enacted a state-wide ban on employer inquiries into an individual’s salary history. The new law (AB 168) will apply to all employers, including state and local governments, and will take effect on January 1, 2018.

October 12, 2017

Turning the Ship: Labor & Employment Developments Thus Far in the Trump Administration

In this podcast, WPI Co-Chairs Ilyse Schuman and Michael Lotito review the status of several labor…

October 12, 2017

President Trump Issues Executive Order to Reshape Health Insurance Market

After failing to achieve a legislative solution to "repeal and replace" the ACA, President Trump issued an executive order on October 12, 2017, designed to promote “healthcare choice and competition” by modifying certain healthcare insurance regulations.

October 11, 2017

NY DOL to Soon Issue Explanatory Statement on Recent Wage Order Amendment

The NY DOL will soon publish a statement explaining why the issuance of an emergency regulation clarifying that meal and rest periods may be excluded from hours worked by home care aides who work a shift of 24 hours or more is necessary.

October 11, 2017

White House Releases Trump Administration Immigration Policy Priorities

On October 8, 2017, the White House released a list of immigration priorities addressing border security, interior enforcement, and a merit-based immigration system.

October 9, 2017

NY DOL Issues Amendment to the Regulation Governing the Payment of Wages to Home Care Aides Who Work a Shift of 24 Hours or More

The NY DOL issued an amendment to a Wage Order to clarify that bona fide meal periods and sleep times may be excluded from hours worked by home care aides who work a shift of 24 hours or more in accordance with federal FLSA regulations.

Littler Report
October 2, 2017

WPI State of the States: Major Bills Advance in September, With More on Deck for October

The baseball pennant races are about to kick off, but not all the action is on the field. Roughly a dozen state legislatures were in session during September, and they considered more than 50 labor and employment bills.

October 2, 2017

On the Rhode Again: Paid Sick Leave Drought Ends with New Rhode Island Law

After a nine-month drought in 2017, a new paid sick and safe leave law has been enacted in Rhode Island.

September 28, 2017

U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Two Additional Employment Cases This Term

On September 28, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in two cases with labor and employment implications.
