Your search returned 2618 results.

October 2, 2018

NY Pushes Back Sex Harassment Training Deadline to October 9, 2019

On Monday, October 1, 2018, the State of New York released final versions of a sexual harassment policy, complaint form, and employee training relating to sexual harassment.

October 1, 2018

California’s Newest Laws: It’s Shocktober for Employers!

Governor Brown has signed into law a jaw-dropping number of bills that pertain to labor and employment issues, including expanded liability and training obligations surrounding sexual harassment.

September 28, 2018

New USCIS Policy Memo and Efforts to Combat Fraud in the H-1B Visa Program

Starting October 1, 2018, the USCIS will begin implementing its June 28, 2018 policy memorandum to prioritize the removal of foreign nationals from the U.S. on the basis of public safety, in compliance with Executive Order 13768.

September 17, 2018

A More Modern Approach to OFCCP's Functional Affirmative Action Programs?

OFCCP recently issued a directive—which is open to public comment—revising its policies and procedures for requesting and maintaining FAAP agreements.

September 13, 2018

Proposed Joint-Employer Rule Would Reverse NLRB's Controversial Browning-Ferris Case and Restore "Substantial Direct and Immediate Control" Standard

The National Labor Relations Board has issued a proposed rule revising the test for whether two employers are considered “joint employers” under the National Labor Relations Act.

September 7, 2018

Significant Compliance Challenges in New York State's Proposed Anti-Sex Harassment Rules: What Can Employers Do Now?

Recently, NY's governor issued an executive order that includes draft model documents on the new sexual discrimination and harassment law, as well as a draft set of FAQs that elaborate on the statutory requirements. Comments are due September 12, 2018.

September 7, 2018

Future of Work Agenda Includes Controversial Workplace Proposals

A new report, The Future of Work, Wages, and Labor: Policy & Recommendations, sets forth a laundry list of labor and employment priorities.

WPI Report
September 5, 2018

WPI State of the States: Anti-Harassment and Lactation Accommodation Proposals Advance, While Ballot Initiatives Take Shape

Although the bulk of state lawmaking has finished for 2018, those few states still in session are moving quickly on pending bills.

September 4, 2018

California Countdown 2018: Which Labor and Employment Bills Will the Governor Sign?

As always, the long list of bills crossing Governor Brown’s desk includes numerous labor and employment items that could impact the operations of private employers in the Golden State. This article summarizes key bills worth watching.

WPI Report
August 30, 2018

Littler's WPI Labor Day Report 2018

Almost two years into the new presidential administration, and with highly consequential and hotly debated mid-term elections around the corner, Littler’s Workforce Policy Institute’s Labor Day Report examines the state of the American workforce.
