Your search returned 988 results.

April 5, 2018

Panama: New Law Prohibiting Harassment, Racism and Sexism in the Workplace Mandates Full Compliance by May 16, 2018

On February 14, 2018, Law 7, which prohibits sexual harassment, mobbing (bullying), racism and discriminatory practices in all environments, took effect. Employers must be in full compliance under the new law by May 16, 2018.

April 5, 2018

Panamá: Nueva ley que prohíbe el acoso, el racismo y el sexismo en el lugar de trabajo será de absoluto cumplimiento a partir del 16 de mayo de 2018

El 14 de febrero de 2018 se aprobó la Ley 7 que prohíbe el acoso sexual, el hostigamiento, el racismo y las prácticas discriminatorias en todos los ámbitos, incluyendo el lugar de trabajo y las instituciones educativas.

WPI Report
April 2, 2018

WPI State of the States: Pay Equity, Sexual Harassment Continue to Drive State Bills

While the surge of state-level legislation introduced in the first quarter of 2018 has waned, some significant labor and employment bills are advancing through their legislative chambers.

March 29, 2018

What a Fool Believes? These Non-Fake Employment News Stories

In anticipation of April Fools' Day, we celebrate labor and employment cases and news that could be jokes, but aren't. If there's anything we've learned over the last year, real news and fake news are often hard to distinguish.

March 28, 2018

New Jersey Governor Expected to Sign Expansive Equal Pay Bill

On March 26, 2018, the New Jersey legislature enacted amendments to existing statutes substantially expanding pay equity protections for New Jersey employees and giving rise to significant compliance and defense burdens for New Jersey employers.

March 14, 2018

Federal Appeals Court Finds Title VII Precludes Discrimination Based On Transgender Status

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit recently ruled, in what many have described as a ground-breaking decision, that discrimination based on an employee’s transgender status is discrimination based on “sex” in violation of Title VII.

March 14, 2018

New OFCCP Directive on Predetermination Notices Makes it Easier for Contractors to Understand and Address OFCCP Audit Concerns

OFCCP has announced a new Directive providing that it will no longer issue final findings of a violation before first issuing a Predetermination Notice (PDN) and considering the contractor’s response.

March 13, 2018

New Mexico Supreme Court Rejects a Heightened Evidentiary Burden on a Plaintiff in a Reverse Race Discrimination Case

In Garcia v. Hatch Valley Public Schools, the New Mexico Supreme Court recently examined whether a plaintiff has a relatively heightened evidentiary burden in proving a reverse discrimination claim brought under the New Mexico Human Rights Act.

March 13, 2018

Sixth Circuit Clarifies Discrimination Pleading Burden and Liability Related to Title IX Sexual Misconduct Investigations

A recent 6th Circuit decision provides both comfort and caution for universities facing claims of discrimination or bias in the conduct of their disciplinary proceedings relating to sexual misconduct.

March 9, 2018

Ontario, Canada Introduces New Legislation Banning Compensation Questions

In an effort to combat gender discrimination and increase transparency during the hiring process, the Ontario government has introduced The Pay Transparency Act.
