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January 28, 2019

Seventh Circuit Rules Age Bias Protections Don’t Extend to Prospective Employees for Disparate Impact Claims

A recent federal court decision opened the door for employers to recruit and hire candidates who are either recent graduates or have limited work experience without risking liability for certain claims of age discrimination.

January 23, 2019

EEO-1 Portal Closed, Reporting Deadline Uncertain

With the record partial government shutdown continuing and no end in sight, employers’ EEO-1 filing obligations appear to be on hold.

January 17, 2019

Time to Reset Your Anti-Harassment Training Schedule for Supervisory Employees in California

As California employers lay out their plans for compliance training in the coming year, the DFEH has clarified how to handle training supervisory employees who may have received AB 1825-compliant training sometime in 2018.

January 17, 2019

We Have to Provide California Anti-Harassment Training Again?

Effective January 1, 2019, California SB 1343 greatly expanded Golden State employers'…

January 14, 2019

10 Key Developments in Canadian Labour & Employment Law in 2018

Canada saw significant developments in labour and employment law in 2018. As we embark on a new year, we will undoubtedly see the landscape in this ever-changing area of law continue to evolve.

January 3, 2019

New Mexico’s Fair Pay for Women Act Not Limited to Private Employers

The New Mexico Court of Appeals held in Wolinsky v. New Mexico Corrections Department that the state Fair Pay for Women Act’s definition of “employer” extends to the State of New Mexico and its agencies.

January 3, 2019

“Charting” a Course for the New Year: A Summary of California’s Expanded Employer Training Duties

To help employers grapple with enhanced training obligations in the Golden State, this article and the accompanying chart summarize the primary anti-harassment and human trafficking awareness training duties.

WPI Report
January 2, 2019

WPI State of the States: The New Year Brings a Clean Legislative Slate

While the partial shutdown has kept Congress at an impasse, it should be business as usual at the state and local levels in January. It is a safe bet that many of the 2018 issues that served as midterm election talking points will reemerge.

December 26, 2018

New York City Moves to Prohibit Discrimination Based on Family Planning and to Protect Reproductive Choice

On December 20, 2018, the New York City (NYC) Council added “sexual and other reproductive health decisions” to the list of protected classes under the NYC Human Rights Law.

December 20, 2018

Senate Democrats Preview Workplace Harassment Agenda

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the ranking Democrat on the U.S. Senate’s HELP Committee, has released recommendations for legislative action to combat unlawful workplace harassment.
