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September 3, 2019

California Pushes Back Start Date for Small Business Anti-Harassment Training Requirement

On August 30, 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 778, delaying mandatory anti-harassment training deadlines, and resolving confusion about retraining requirements for certain employees who already received training in 2018 or 2019.

WPI Report
September 3, 2019

WPI Labor Day Report 2019

Labor Day became an official federal holiday in 1894. Although the world of employment has obviously changed significantly over the last 125 years, the pace of workplace transformation seems to have accelerated in the past decade.

August 19, 2019

Keeping Compliant with Expanding State and Local Equal Pay Laws

Since 2016, hundreds of bills and dozens of new laws aimed at closing the pay gap have been introduced and enacted at both the state and local levels.

August 15, 2019

EEOC Provides Guidance on EEO-1 Filing for Non-Binary Employees

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released guidance in an FAQ to employers as to how they should report non-binary employees on Form EEO-1.

August 13, 2019

Illinois’ New #MeToo-Inspired Law Creates Sweeping Employer Obligations

In line with recently passed legislation in New York and California, Illinois’ legislature rallied to create a bill that would help increase employee protections by combating discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

August 12, 2019

New Jersey Adds Sharp Teeth, and Employer Notice Duty, to Wage and Hour Law

New Jersey recently enacted its Wage Theft Law, transforming the state’s wage and hour laws into one of the most robust in the country. The law substantially expands the civil and criminal recourse available for nonpayment of wages and retaliation.

August 6, 2019

Fifth Circuit Deals a Blow to EEOC’s Criminal Record Guidance

On August 6, 2019, the 5th Circuit dealt the EEOC a significant setback, largely affirming the district court’s decision that the EEOC violated the APA in issuing its 2012 Enforcement Guidance on criminal history.

August 5, 2019

Toledo Becomes Second Ohio City to Pass Salary History Ban

Toledo, Ohio recently adopted the Pay Equity Act to Prohibit the Inquiry and Use of Salary History in Hiring Practices. The ordinance generally prohibits employers or their agents from asking about, screening or relying on the wage history of applicants.

WPI Report
August 2, 2019

WPI State of the States: Legislative Action Heats up in July

Although most state legislatures have adjourned for 2019 or are in recess, those still in active session finalized several new employment laws in July.

Littler Report
August 1, 2019

Minding the Pay Gap: What Employers Need to Know as Pay Equity Protections Widen

The pay gap – or paying women and other historically marginalized groups less for the same or substantially similar work – has increasingly been in the media spotlight. Politicians have also taken note.
