Belgium has so far been spared from coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks. Now that many people have returned from holidays (February 22 – March 1), however, this might change.
Over the past few days, the Netherlands has been hit by a number of coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks. COVID-19 has a direct impact on the workplace. How should employers and employees deal with COVID-19?
New Mexico has been making waves with several labor and employment developments, including a red flag law and pending bills that would restrict nondisclosure agreements (HB 21) and would require reasonable accommodations for pregnancy (HB 25).
This Insight article outlines the Canadian health authority’s travel recommendations in light of the current health crisis, and provides an overview of Canadian employment laws that might be implicated should the coronavirus reach the workplace.
Oregon’s active 2019 legislative session has prompted the need for several policy and handbook updates for employers doing business in Oregon. This Insight provides an overview of the most notable recent employment law developments in Oregon.
As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, so do companies’ and governments’ approaches to monitoring and helping avoid the spread of the virus.
At the end of 2019, courts in the UK decided that ethical veganism is a protected philosophical belief under discrimination legislation. This decision begs the question: what do you actually need in order for a belief to be protected by UK equality laws?
In 2019, the scope of “protected beliefs” hit headlines as a tribunal found that ”ethical veganism” — a form of veganism that involves avoiding all forms of animal exploitation and harm in all aspects of life — was protected by the UK’s Equality Act 2010.