Your search returned 63 results.

Dear Littler
September 4, 2020

Dear Littler: What Do We Do If We Cannot Bring Our Employees Back From Furlough?

At the start of the pandemic, our company had to furlough a number of our employees. We thought we’d be able to fully resume operations by the summer. Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still widespread in our area. What do we do now?

Dear Littler
August 26, 2020

Dear Littler: How Do We Manage Time Off, Scheduling & Accommodation Requests from Employees with Children Whose Education is Affected by COVID-19?

School scheduling uncertainties are making it increasingly difficult for our employees, who are parents with school-age children, to balance their work and parental responsibilities. What laws apply here?

Dear Littler
April 15, 2020

Dear Littler: Are There Any Tax Implications Now That Our Employees Are Teleworking During The COVID-19 Crisis?

Now that we have employees working from their homes due to COVID-19, will we be required to report them to those states for unemployment tax purposes or withhold income taxes? What about certain business expenses?

Dear Littler
February 25, 2020

Dear Littler: What to Do When an Employee Threatens Suicide?

One of our employees told a coworker that she is very depressed and contemplating suicide. What should we do to help our employee get the help she needs, and ensure we are meeting any duties we might have as her employer?

Dear Littler
December 9, 2019

Dear Littler: Can We Still Maintain Hairstyle and Personal Grooming Policies?

Our handbook restricts employees on the sales floor from wearing facial piercings, visible tattoos, long beards and dreadlocks. We’ve heard that new laws prohibit “hairstyle discrimination” and restrict dress codes. Can we still maintain our look?

Dear Littler
October 10, 2019

Dear Littler: Should I Allow Leave for Domestic Abuse Affecting an Employee’s Family Member?

An employee just asked for time off to help her sister deal with an abusive situation. What are our obligations?

Dear Littler
September 16, 2019

Dear Littler: Do We Have to Provide the Kitchen Sink (Literally!) to Lactating Employees?

Do we really need to provide “the kitchen sink” to be in compliance with lactation accommodation laws?

Dear Littler
April 22, 2019

Dear Littler: Am I the Only GC Who Doesn’t Fully Embrace Implicit Bias Training?

Dear Littler: I am General Counsel at a large, well-known company, and I’m having a hard time endorsing "implicit bias training." Am I the only GC who has concerns about this kind of training? What am I missing?

Dear Littler
April 8, 2019

Dear Littler: An employee was diagnosed with the measles. What do we do now?

I just learned that one of our employees has the measles. Can I tell the other employees why he’s out so they can get tested or monitor their own health? Can I require them to receive the measles vaccine?

Dear Littler
April 3, 2019

Dear Littler: Can Employees be Exempt from Income Tax?

A new employee claims he is not subject to income tax. Is this possible? How should we direct HR to respond?
