Marking the occasion of the 200 millionth COVID-19 vaccine shot administered, President Joe Biden called on employers to provide paid time off to employees to get vaccinated and touted the federal government’s tax credit for certain employers that do so.
With COVID-19 vaccines becoming more accessible throughout the United States, but vaccination opportunities often limited to “business” hours, employers are experiencing an increase in requests for time off from work to obtain a vaccine.
In a long-awaited decision, the Eleventh Circuit reversed a trial court ruling and held that Winn-Dixie had not discriminated against a visually impaired customer who alleged that Winn-Dixie’s website was not accessible to him.
On March 29, 2021, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania enacted Bill # 210122-A, an ordinance immediately requiring covered employers to provide 2021 Public Health Emergency Leave.
The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas has permanently enjoined a controversial Dallas ordinance requiring employers to provide paid sick leave benefits to certain employees.
Easing out of hibernation this year, we divert attention from harrowing events purely on the domestic front by shining a light on odd employment and legal stories worldwide, plus Alabama.