Your search returned 2618 results.

January 28, 2010

House and Senate Introduce Bills to Promote Job Growth

In keeping with a key theme of President Obama’s State of the Union Address, lawmakers introduced a

January 28, 2010

OSHA's Proposed Rule Would Require Employers to Keep Track of Musculoskeletal Disorders

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will publish in tomorrow’s Federal Register

January 27, 2010

Massachusetts Union Members' Support for Brown Helped Dim EFCA's Prospects

Scott Brown’s (R) astonishing win in last week’s Massachusetts special election was made possible,

January 26, 2010

OSHA Withdraws Proposed Rule Over Fit-Testing Protocols for the Respiratory Protection Standard

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plans to withdraw its proposed rule (pdf) outlining

January 26, 2010

DOL Argues State Wage and Hour Class Actions are Compatible with the FLSA

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis has expressed the Department of Labor’s (DOL) view that an opt-in class

January 22, 2010

USCIS Memo Outlines Employer-Employee Relationship for H-1B Purposes

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) Associate Director for Service Center

January 22, 2010

Supreme Court Eases Ban on Corporate, Union Political Spending

In a narrowly-held decision that could have a significant impact on the 2010 mid-term elections, the

January 21, 2010

White House, Congress Target Government Contractors

A recent presidential directive and piece of legislation seek to ban companies that engage in unlawful

January 21, 2010

Obama Returns Craig Becker Nomination to Senate

On Wednesday, President Obama re-submitted to the Senate his nomination of controversial candidate Craig

January 20, 2010

How Will Brown's Win Impact Labor and Employment Law?

Republican State Senator Scott Brown’s victory in Tuesday’s special election to fill the late Ted
