Your search returned 2618 results.

November 17, 2010

EBSA Issues Proposed Rule on Annual Funding Notice for Defined Benefit Plans

The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will publish a proposed rule (pdf) that implements

November 17, 2010

Paycheck Fairness Act Fails to Clear Senate Hurdle

As expected, supporters of the Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 3772) failed to garner enough votes to advance

November 16, 2010

EEOC Releases Additional Guidance Documents on Final GINA Rule

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has posted on its website two new guidance documents

November 11, 2010

BLS Reports Decline in Nonfatal Workplace Injuries and Illnesses Resulting in Time Away from Work

A recently-released report conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) finds that the number of

November 10, 2010

Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Arbitration Preemption Case

On Tuesday the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments (pdf) in a case that could significantly impact

November 8, 2010

SEC Releases Proposed Whistleblower Rule under Financial Reform Act

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued its proposed rule (pdf) implementing the securities

November 8, 2010

EEOC Issues Final GINA Regulations

Nearly a year after the employment provisions of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

November 5, 2010

Impact of the 2010 Election on Labor & Employment Policy

Tuesday's historic election radically changed the composition of Congress and the balance of power in

November 1, 2010

DOL Launches Online Toolkit to Help Employers Hire Veterans

The Department of Labor has launched on online “toolkit” to facilitate an employer’s recruitment,

October 27, 2010

NLRB Member Favors Shorter Election Periods

Speculation has increased in many quarters that components of the Employee Free Choice Act may be implemented
