Your search returned 2618 results.

December 8, 2010

Senate Prevents Advancement of Public Safety Collective Bargaining Bill

As expected, the Senate defeated a motion to advance the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation

December 7, 2010

DOL's Office of Inspector General Issues Semiannual Report to Congress

The Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued its Semiannual Report to Congress,

December 7, 2010

DoD Issues Final Rule on Mandatory Arbitration Restrictions in Defense Contracts

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) will issue a final rule (pdf) implementing section 8116 of the DoD

December 3, 2010

Leon Rodriguez to Be Nominated for the Top Job at the Wage and Hour Division

The U.S. Department of Labor informed Congress today that the President intends to nominate Leon Rodriguez

December 3, 2010

Reid Reintroduced Public Sector Collective Bargaining Bill

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) this week reintroduced the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of

December 3, 2010

Food Safety Bill Contains Whistleblower Protections for Industry Employees

Buried in the food safety bill that recently passed the Senate is provision granting employees involved

December 2, 2010

EBSA Issues Proposed Rule on Target Date Fund Disclosures

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has issued a proposed rule

November 30, 2010

Senate Fails to Approve Amendment to Repeal Form 1099 Reporting Requirement in Health Care Bill

Despite two attempts, the Senate on Monday failed to approve amendments to the FDA Food Safety Modernization

November 24, 2010

EEOC Releases FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report

The newly-released Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Performance and Accountability

November 22, 2010

White House Task Force Announces DOL-ABA Partnership to Facilitate Wage and Hour Challenges

Speaking at a White House Middle Class Task Force event, Vice President Joe Biden announced that the
