California’s governor has signed AB 1041, which, beginning Jan. 1, 2023, expands the definition of a “family member” under the California Family Rights Act and California’s Healthy Workplaces Healthy Families Act to include a “designated person.”
On September 29, 2022, California’s governor signed Assembly Bill (AB) 152, which immediately extends the obligation of employers with 26 or more employees to provide COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave through December 31, 2022.
After we finally got our minds (and workplace policies and practices) wrapped around COVID-19, our employees have now expressed concern about monkeypox and what we’re doing about it.
On September 14, 2022, the New York State Department of Health updated its COVID-19 quarantine and isolation webpage to remove earlier written COVID-19 guidance and tables dated May 31, 2022.
On July 22, 2022 and August 22, 2022, the Oregon Employment Department (OED) published its latest rules governing Oregon’s new Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (PFMLI) program.
On September 8, 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away. Her State Funeral will take place in London, United Kingdom on September 19, 2022. This day will be a recognized holiday for some employees in Canada.
On September 1, 2022, Governor Pedro Pierluisi issued Executive Order 2022-044, declaring a State of Emergency in Puerto Rico as a result of the monkeypox virus.
The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal’s decision in LaFleche v. NLFD Auto, 2022 BCHRT 88, provides employers with insight into how they should conduct themselves while their employees are on a leave of absence.