October 3, 2014

Puerto Rico Treasury Issues Further Guidance Clarifying the Prepayment Window Rules: Employers May Need to Take Immediate Action to Comply with the Rules

On September 29, 2014, the Puerto Rico Treasury issued Tax Policy Circular Letter No. 14-02 (“CL 14-02”)

October 3, 2014

Puerto Rico Treasury Issues Further Guidance Clarifying the Prepayment Window Rules

On September 29, 2014, the Puerto Rico Treasury issued Tax Policy Circular Letter No. 14-02 (“CL

October 3, 2014

Puerto Rico Treasury Issues Further Guidance Clarifying the Prepayment Window Rules

On September 29, 2014, the Puerto Rico Treasury issued Tax Policy Circular Letter No. 14-02 (“CL

October 3, 2014

Gubernatorial Writer's Cramp: 2014 California Employment Legislation Affecting Private Sector Employers

Does his hand hurt?  Between signing and vetoing bills this year, California Governor Jerry Brown exercised

October 3, 2014

Gubernatorial Writer's Cramp: 2014 California Employment Legislation Affecting Private Sector Employers

Does his hand hurt?  Between signing and vetoing bills this year, California Governor Jerry Brown exercised

October 3, 2014

Federal District Court Holds That Plan's One-Year Limitations Period Is Unenforceable Under State Law

On the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision in Heimeshoff v. Hartford Life & Acc. Ins. Co, a federal

October 3, 2014

California Takes the Lead Again in Data Breach Laws

California has taken the lead once again in the area of data breach notification laws. In 2002, California

October 3, 2014

Amendment to Act 180 Imposes Civil Penalties on Employers for Violations

On September 19, 2014, Governor Alejandro García Padilla signed into law an amendment to the Puerto

October 2, 2014

China: Supreme People's Court Issued New Rules On Work-Related Injury Insurance

The Rules on Certain Issues Concerning Administrative Cases Involving Work-related Injury Insurance (“Rules”)

October 2, 2014

FAAAA May Preempt Massachusetts Independent Contractor Law

The (somewhat confusingly titled) Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act of 1994 (FAAAA) broadly
