Your search returned 160 results.

October 4, 2021

A Global Vision and the American Dream

Peter Susser talks with Juan Carlos Varela about becoming Littler’s first international attorney, extending a labor and employment law practice beyond the United States, and how that helped him achieve the American dream.

2 the Point Video
September 22, 2021

How do you create the best job postings to attract the most diverse set of candidates to your applicant pool?

Position descriptions and job postings are often untapped opportunities to inform and market your position, team, and the employer to potential candidates.

September 2, 2021

Diversity Referral Bonuses: Advantages and Disadvantages of Increasing Diversity Recruitment By Supercharging Your Employee Referral Program

Alyesha Asghar Dotson discusses whether such bonuses potentially may expose employers to legal risks, and whether employers ought to use them even if they are legally sound and effective.

August 24, 2021

Illinois Equal Pay Certificate Requirements Amended

In the past six months, Illinois enacted SB 1480 and SB 1847, which amended various laws including the Illinois Equal Pay Act.

August 20, 2021

Inclusion, Equity, & Diversity Update – SEC Approves Nasdaq Rule on Board Diversity

As companies focus on workforce inclusion, equity, and diversity (IE&D), they are under increasing pressure to assure that the membership of their boards reflects these values

July 28, 2021

Breaking Down Barriers or Putting Up Hurdles With Vendor Diversity Programs

The history, benefits, and challenges of implementing a successful vendor or supplier diversity program that pushes the needle forward regarding Inclusion, Equity & Diversity.

July 2, 2021

Arizona Cities Expand Discrimination Protections

Arizona recently expanded provisions of the Arizona Civil Rights Act to cover pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions. Additionally, cities in Arizona on their own passed new ordinances that expands protected categories and coverage.

June 28, 2021

Common Issues, Common Cause

An interview about coming out as a lesbian woman, the challenges and opportunities of intersectionality, and strategies for improved inclusion, equity and diversity across the legal profession.

June 17, 2021

Allied Behavior: Perceptions about Race (Juneteenth Edition)

A discussion about Juneteenth, the factors shaping our perceptions about race, and how to foster meaningful interactions in the workplace.

June 16, 2021

The History and Importance of Juneteenth

A discussion about the trail to Juneteenth, its importance and how various acts impacted slavery in the U.S.
