Your search returned 2618 results.

December 9, 2008

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) Gains Momentum

President-elect Obama is an advocate of organized labor. He has expressly stated that passage of the

December 9, 2008

Key Committee Players in Congress Governing Labor and Employment Issues Remain Unchanged

President-elect Obama has made it no secret that his workplace agenda strongly supports organized labor

December 9, 2008

Former SEIU Official Named as White House Political Director

If there was any doubt regarding the influence organized labor may exert in the Obama Administration,

December 8, 2008

About Barry Hartstein

Barry Hartstein, a shareholder in Littler's Chicago office, has earned a national reputation for his

December 7, 2008

About Peter Susser

Peter Susser, a shareholder in Littler's Washington, DC, office, has represented employers and trade

October 16, 2008

About Tammy McCutchen

Tammy McCutchen, a shareholder in Littler’s Washington, D.C. office, is a leading authority on wage

September 16, 2008

About Bob Battista

Nominated by President George W. Bush on October 4, 2002, confirmed by the United States Senate on November

February 17, 2006


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