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Training Data Disclosure Requirement
Important Action by Regulatory Agency
Authors: Sara Khoja, Partner and Head of Employment, and Sarit Thomas, Knowledge Management Counsel – Clyde & Co
Companies that employ 50 or more workers will now be required to report training hours, training plans, activity reports, trainee numbers and budget allocation for the following year. Non-compliant employers will be subject to fines ranging between SAR 5,000 to SAR 15,000.
Saudization of Dental Professions
Important Action by Regulatory Agency
Authors: Sara Khoja, Partner and Head of Employment, and Sarit Thomas, Knowledge Management Counsel – Clyde & Co
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, announced that the Saudization of 35% of the dental profession will take effect as of March 10, 2024.
Online “Service Certificate” Now Available for Private Sector Employees
Important Action by Regulatory Agency
Authors: Sara Khoja, Partner and Head of Employment, and Sarit Thomas, Knowledge Management Counsel – Clyde & Co
An online service certificate facility is now available for employees within the private sector through the Qiwa electronic platform. The goal is to streamline administrative processes, enhance efficiency, and enhance workplace dynamics and employee rights in the private sector. With this new online service, obtaining and issuing service certificates will become faster, more accessible, and less burdensome for businesses.
Qiwa Electronic Contract Provision Regarding Probation Period
Legal Compliance
Authors: Sara Khoja, Partner and Head of Employment, and Sarit Thomas, Knowledge Management Counsel – Clyde & Co
The Qiwa platform has amended the electronic contract provision to provide for a maximum probationary period of 90 days in accordance with the Labor Law and to enforce the requirement for parties to mutually agree to any extension of the original 90-day period.