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Remote Workers from Abroad Will Pay Russian Income Tax
New Legislation Enacted
Author: Marcin Snarski, Senior Associate – PCS | Littler
From January 1, 2024, Russian employers will levy an income tax of 13% from remote employees. The tax will apply also to employees who permanently live outside Russia and are not Russian tax residents. For income exceeding five million rubles per year, the tax rate will be higher and will amount to 15%. For civil law contracts, remote contractors of Russian organizations will be subject to the same tax regulation as of January 1, 2025.
Shorter Deadline to Inform Military Enlistment Office of Employees’ Personal Data
New Legislation Enacted
Author: Marcin Snarski, Senior Associate – PCS | Littler
From August 5, 2023, military enlistment offices must be informed about changes of information, such as hiring or dismissal of citizens subject to military registration, within five days. Previously, Russian employers were required to inform the military authorities within two weeks. The deadline of five days applies also to changes of marital status, job position or the worker’s residence.
Minimum Wage to Increase from 2024
Proposed Bill or Initiative
Author: Marcin Snarski, Senior Associate – PCS | Littler
The Russian Government has submitted to the Parliament a bill to increase the minimum wage in 2024. As of January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase from RUB 16,242 to RUB 19,242.