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Inspection Campaign Targeting Smaller Businesses
Important Action by Regulatory Agency
Author: Anna Jerndorf, Partner and Head of Employment – TM & Partners
The Swedish Work Environment Authority has announced that it will launch an inspection campaign targeting smaller companies with 1-49 employees. The inspections will start in October 2023 and run until March 2024. The reason for inspecting smaller companies is that surveys have shown that these companies generally do not work systematically with the work environment.
How can companies prepare? Start with the basics, which is to conduct a risk assessment by:
- Investigating the risks that may exist in the work environment of the business (physical, organizational and social)
- Assessing the seriousness of the identified risks
- Implementing measures to remove or reduce the identified risks
- Ensuring that the measures taken have reduced or removed the risks or otherwise accomplished the desired effect
- Document the risk assessment