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New Obligations for Employers to Justify Termination
New Legislation Enacted
Author: Zoltan Csernus, Attorney-at-Law – VJT&Partners
In cases where the employee’s termination needs no justification (e.g., during the probation period, or when the employee qualifies as a retired person or being in a leading position), but the employee alleges that the employment was terminated by the employer due to the fact that the employee asked for caretaking absence, paternal leave, parental leave, maternal unpaid leave or change of working conditions due to the employee’s child younger than eight years, the employer has to justify, in writing, the reasons termination. The justification must be clear, real and include the real cause of the termination. In the case of a dispute, the burden of proof is on the employer.
New Type of Leave
New Legislation Enacted
Author: Zoltan Csernus, Attorney-at-Law – VJT&Partners
An employee must be released from working obligation for a maximum of five working days annually for the purpose of taking care of a relative who is seriously ill. The illness has to be supported with medical certifications, and the caretaking employee is not entitled to any payment from the employer for the period of the leave.