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New Guidance and Deadline for Self-Assessment Programs for Equal Pay Compliance
New Regulation or Official Guidance
Author: Lourdes C. Hernández-Venegas, Capital Member — Schuster Aguiló, Littler Global Puerto Rico
Under new Puerto Rico Department of Labor Guidelines, employers are required to conduct self-assessments on their compliance with Puerto Rico’s Equal Pay Act, certifying with evidence that the company’s compensation practices provide equal compensation for men and women for equal work. The Guidelines must be used when designing any self-assessment program and provide recommendations for employers on (1) recruitment; (2) classification plans; (3) bonuses and additional compensation; and (4) manuals and procedures. Although employers have until August 10, 2018, to come into compliance, employers should conduct the self-assessments and implement the required changes as soon as practicable.
Deadline for Employers to Take Advantage of Discounting Outstanding SIFC Debts
Upcoming Deadline for Legal Compliance
Authors: Elizabeth Pérez-Lleras, Capital Member & Ana M. Bigas-Kennerley, Special Counsel — Schuster Aguiló, Littler Global Puerto Rico
The Incentive Plan (Plan) for employers to pay all outstanding debt to the Puerto Rico State Insurance Fund Corporation (SIFC) at a 50% discount expires December 30, 2017. The Plan allows qualifying employers to pay pending and past due debts related to: (i) payments of workers compensation policy premiums; (ii) invoices as a result of employers being declared uninsured; (iii) employer responsibility for work-related accidents or conditions when they have been declared uninsured; or (iv) any miscellaneous invoices related to worker’s compensation. Related debts resulting from a final judgment of a court or administrative agency may also qualify for the 50% discount.